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Try our Mortgage Affordability Calculator

Find out how much you can borrow with our Mortgage Affordability Calculator. This is just an indicative and will vary depending on your circumstances.

Use this calculator to determine how much you could potentially borrow for a mortgage, based on the typical salary multiples used by most UK lenders.

Input Full Salaries for all applicants

Your Results:

You could borrow up to

Most lenders would consider letting you borrow

This is based on 4.5 times your household income, the standard calculation used by the majority of mortgage providers.

Some lenders would consider letting you borrow

This is based on 5 times your household income, the calculation is often used for those with good sized deposits and/or reasonable levels of income and good credit.

A minority of lenders would consider letting you borrow

This amount may be possible with some lenders, but not most. Those with larger deposits and higher incomes may have more options.